My favorite hobby is inventing. My favorite hobby is inventing because I like to try to revolutionize the world even though is already pretty advanced, however I know it can be even more advanced.
For example flying cars, 5 seat hovercraft, instant chocolate, etc. I plan to do this with the help of an apprentice. You know a person to take under my wing. I also plan to do something else (marine biologist, magician, Mc Donald's person, etc) to earn money to buy equipment and pieces (scrap metal, screwdrivers, hammers, nails,etc)
I also plan to invent simpler things like board games, card games, etc. I plan to do this part alone or with my apprentice depending on how big the project. Games I might do are Monopoly, Risk, Go Fish, Scrabble, etc.
I personally will do all this because I think it will be a challenging street to fame and fortune.
If you might want to be my apprentice please comment on my blog. If not ...... just comment anyway.
Down There l