Monday, March 28, 2011

Sock Monkeys!!!!!

 Sock Monkeys are the awesomest invention ever since pet rocks. And that's pretty hard to beat! Its also really  really really really really really FUN!!!!! You can sleep with them, and and.... play airplane with them, and and.... have them wave and say bye to people, and and.... annoy the popular people who think there to old for toys, and pretty much whatever else you can think of!!! You can buy lots of sock monkeys at Justice or anywhere else you just might happen to find them. You can also click on the link below to make your very own sock monkey!

 You will definitely need 1 pair or 2 identical socks that will construct the sock monkey. Your sock monkey is meant to be a life time companion for you and generations to come. Here are pictures of some sock monkeys that other people have made.

Now remember sock monkeys are wonderful pals! Comment in the comment box how your sock monkey turned out.